Quick Facts Maryland’s largest community college, with three campuses across the state and an upcoming education center Identified as the most diverse community college in the continental US. Building momentum..

Quick Facts Maryland’s largest community college, with three campuses across the state and an upcoming education center Identified as the most diverse community college in the continental US. Building momentum..
Growing the impact of a trail-blazing program to lower the cost of education and improve the quality of learning materials Quick Facts • Consortium of 10 community colleges in Maricopa..
eCampusOntario • Large consortium/non-profit serving 50+ public colleges and universities across Ontario, Canada• Pressbooks user since 2017• Published 2,900+ books as of June 2023 eCampusOntario’s Pressbooks story in brief
Many of you who are active in the OER community will already know Rajiv Jhangiani’s name. Besides being the co-editor of a well-regarded 2017 book on open education, “Open: The..
Staff at the Teaching and Learning Centre and Distance Education units at the University of Saskatchewan are steadily building their OER program. They started with the adoption and adaptation of..
It was while searching for a tool to help an American Government professor adapt an open textbook that James Paradiso, an instructional designer at University of Central Florida, discovered his..
The Evolution of Affordable Content Efforts in the Higher Education Environment: Programs, Case Studies, and Examples, edited by Kristi Jensen and Shane Nackerud, is one of the latest books to..
University of Texas at Arlington is using its PressbooksEDU system as a platform on which to build open educational resources as part of UTA Libraries’ open education program. Open Education..
At The Ohio State University, Pressbooks has become an integral platform for the university’s open textbook affordability initiative. The university already has 18 published books on its Pressbooks network,..