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Pressbooks empowers educators and self-publishers to create and share accessible, interactive digital books, textbooks, and OER materials.

Join thousands of authors using Pressbooks to create quality, accessible books and learning materials.

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Educational Institutions

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How Pressbooks Supports Open Publishing
Open publishing, or open access publishing, aims to make academic and scholarly information freely available online to enhance access, visibility, and collaborative opportunities. It involves developing and publishing open access books and materials, typically released with an “open license” (such as Creative Commons licenses) allowing others to retain, revise, remix, reuse, and redistribute the content.
Authors may choose open publishing to broaden access, eliminate costs for students and readers, and encourage iterative improvements on their work. Openly licensed academic and learning materials are known as open educational resources (OER).
Pressbooks offers the following features to support open publishing:
Multiple licenses
Easy to collaborate
Pressbooks Directory
Multiple download formats
Easy to clone
Book analytics
For more information about open publishing and how to build this capability, visit our directory or check out our Open Education Resource Guide.