college students looking at an ipad together in a library

Interactive Learning Materials: Why They Matter to Learners

Students today expect more than static, text-heavy materials. With shorter attention spans and a preference for engaging, dynamic content, traditional textbooks often fall short. To..


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college students looking at an ipad together in a library

Interactive Learning Materials: Why They Matter to Learners

Students today expect more than static, text-heavy materials. With shorter attention spans and a preference..

Open Education Week 2025 at Pressbooks

Open Education Week 2025 at Pressbooks

Open Education Week 2025 at Pressbooks Open Education Week is a global event organized by..

A Parent’s Take on College Textbook Costs

This year has been momentous for my family and me, as our twin boys graduated..

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A Year of Open Content: Reviewing the Pressbooks Books of the Month

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Transforming Education Through Collaborative Publishing: Four Groundbreaking Projects

In a recent webinar, experts from Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand shared insights on four..

A New Chapter Begins: Leading Pressbooks Forward

Hello, Pressbooks community! I’m thrilled to officially greet you as the new CEO of Pressbooks…

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Humans R Social Media Spotlight: Creating and Sustaining a Living Book

“Any book or knowledge source remains relevant longer when it’s dynamic, or embracing of continuous..

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Announcement: Leadership Transition at Pressbooks

After many years as CEO at Pressbooks, I’m stepping into a new role as Executive..