Pressbooks Self-Publisher: Plans & Pricing

Join thousands of creators using Pressbooks to support their digital publishing needs.

An illustration of a person holding a magnifying glass

Free Trial

Ideal to try out the platform
  • Start a 7-day free trial of Pressbooks
publish a book today for free
An illustration of someone holding a pencil in front of a piece of paper

Single Author

Ideal for solo authors
  • Create, publish, and share your digital book
  • One book per subscription
per month or $120 per year


Ideal for author/editor teams
  • Work together to create and share an interactive digital book
  • One book per subscription
per month or $400 per year

Feature Details for Pressbooks Self-Publisher Plans


Free Trial

ideal to try out the platform

Single Author 

ideal for solo authors


ideal for author teams

Number of books


1 per subscription

1 per subscription

Number of authors




Upload media (images, audio, etc.) for use in your digital book




Publishing platform access to create and edit book(s)

Free for 7 days

Write or import original content

Clone and adapt existing content from openly licensed books

Choice of 20+ themes to customize book appearance

Add and display book information (metadata)

Add images, multimedia, glossary terms, footnotes

Add social annotation via

Access self-service user guide and resources

Publish accessible (WCAG 2.1 compliant) digital books


Produce XML, XHTML, and Common Cartridge export files


Produce accessible EPUB and PDF exports


Monitor usage with book, user, and network analytics


Boost discoverability via Pressbooks Directory, EBSCO, Ex Libris


Collaborate with multiple authors and contributors in any book


Easily create, copy, or embed interactive learning activities via H5P


Add custom CSS to adjust the appearance of your digital book, EPUB, and PDF export


Allow file downloads in multiple formats from the book home page


Access responsive Premium Support Team via email to answer software and publishing questions


Add-on: $100/year

Add-on: $100/year

Feature Details for Pressbooks Self-Publisher Plans

How To Get Started​ homepage

It’s quick and easy to try out Pressbooks with a  with a free trial! Here’s how:

  • Go to our self-publisher site
  • Create an account
  • Verify your account email address
  • Start creating your book (or adapt an existing one)
  • When you’re ready to start a subscription, select your plan and add payment info

Visit our User Guide and YouTube channel for self-service how-to instructions.