
A Must Read for Indie Authors (Built on Pressbooks!)

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Sherrie Wilkolaski’s Publishing Architect’s Blueprint: Self-Publishing Fundamentals

There’s a new book out on self-publishing, and it’s one you’ll want to read! Built on Pressbooks by longtime publishing pro Sherrie Wilkolaski, “Publishing Architect’s Blueprint: Self-Publishing Fundamentals” is full of expert and detailed advice to help authors become successful publishers of their works.

In the book, Wilkolaski, the former director of publishing services at Lulu, goes deeply into the specifics that are involved at each stage of publishing, with tell-it-as-it-is candor. She leaves nothing out, giving authors a publishing and marketing roadmap to make their books bestsellers. Wilkolaski covers oft-overlooked topics including how to choose a self-publishing company; how to self-publish an audiobook; the nuances of ISBNs, metadata, pricing and distribution; and the finer details of marketing your book in order to get a return on your investment.

Perhaps most helpful are the book’s brass-tacks blueprints and checklists for authors at all stages and budgets of publishing. Our favourites include the step-by-step Fundamental Book Marketing Blueprint, the New Title DIY Independent Book Publishing Blueprint, and the Book Cover Design Checklist, but there’s something useful for everyone.

“Self-publishing a book doesn’t have to be overwhelming given the incredible resources available, like,” Wilkolaski said. “As an author, publisher and Publishing Architect, I’m always on a quest for the most direct route to publishing and marketing a book like a pro.”

Sherrie Wilkolaski is a leading expert in the independent publishing market, having consulted with more than 15,000 authors throughout her career as the Publishing Architect™. A bestselling author, radio talk show host, and content strategist, she has studied at the Yale School of Management Professional Publishing program and M.P.S. in Publishing from George Washington University. Her most recent book “Publishing Architect’s Blueprint: Self-Publishing Fundamentals” is a 2017 Next Generation Indie Publishing Award finalist.

You can get Architect’s Blueprint: Self-Publishing Fundamentals on Amazon. Pressbooks users can save 25% on all services at using code: PRESSBOOKS